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  • Relais Il Canalicchio
  • via della Piazza, 4 - 06050
  • Collazzone (PG)
    +39 075 8707325


Thanks to its location in the heart of Umbria, Relais Il Canalicchio is the starting point for numerous itineraries or visit of both a cultural, historical, artistic and eno-gastronomic nature.

Deruta is famous and known for its splendid handcrafted ceramics, authentic masterpieces. To visit:

    • National Museum of Ceramics, the oldest Italian museum of ceramics which preserves valuable works including the floor of the Church of S.Francesco.
    • Municipal Art Gallery located in a wing of the Town Hall
    • Sanctuary of the Madonna dei Bagni (in Casalina) collection of ex-voto made in majolica from the mid 17th century till today

Deruta at 14 km

Montefalco is placed in a dominant position and offers the view of a wide panorama on the Lands of Umbria.

Important painters and poets have stayed on this sunny hill, including Benozzi Gozzoli, a fiorentine painter of early Renaissance who illustrated the life of St. Francis of Assisi through a cycle of frescoes that can be seen today in the current St. Francesco Museum Complex, and Herman Hesse who strolled through its characteristic streets looking for a detail to stop in the time.

The gastronomic excellence of the area that has made Umbria famous all over the world Is Sagrantino di Montefalco, the indigenous red wine that reflects the truest aromas and flavors of the area.

Montefalco at 28 km

Bevagna is a nice town located along the route of the ancient Via Flaminia.

Originally an Osco-Etruscan settlement and later a Roman municipium with the name of Mevania. In addition to Romanesque and Gotic churches, the city also retain significant traces of the Roman era, such as a mosaic floor of the Roman baths with depictions of sea monsters, the remains of a temple incorporated into a palace and the perimeter of the ancient amphitheatre reused to bild medieval houses.

The most polular event in Bevagna is the Mercato delle Gaite, a festival dedicated to medieval crafts during which taverns, market, shops and craft workshops, costume parades and shows, are setup.

Bevagna at 28 km

The ancient Tular, guarding the River tiber, was a border bulwark and point of contact between the Etruscan and Umbrian territories.

You can choose to stop and contemplates the majestic harmony of Piazza del Popolo and the mystical solemnity of the Gothic temples, or get lost in the narrow alleys that seem almost excavated and unexpectedly open up with panoramic views of rare beauty.

The inhabited center is in perfect harmony with the surrounding countryside, dotted with farmhouses and small rural villages where, among well-cultivated fields and ancient olive groves, you can see the bends of the Tiber that slowly flows towards Orvieto. To visit:

    • Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione, designed by Bramante, is one of the highest examples of Renaissance architecture in Umbria
    • Church of San Fortunato that houses the tomb of the blessed Jacopone da Todi

Todi at 28 km

Perugia was a powerful Etruscan center and then an important medieval city. The gateway of the acropolis is the Rocca Paolina which introduces many sites to visit:

    • Palazzo dei Priori where the National Gallery of Umbria is located
    • Porta Marzia, etruscan arch of the III Century B.C.
    • The Basilica of San Domenico
    • The Church of San Michele Arcangelo
    • St. Peter’s Basilica
    • Piazza Italia with the main monuments of the Renaissance
    • Corso Vannucci, on of the main road
    • Piazza IV Novembre symbol of the medieval city between the 13th and 14th century
    • Cathedral of San Lorenzo (Piazza IV Novembre)
    • Palazzo dei Priori (Piazza IV Novembre)
    • Medieval Fountain sculte by Giovanni and Nicola Pisano (Piazza IV Novembre)
    • Porta Sole, one of the most beautiful panoramic terraces in Perugia
    • Etruscan Arch and walk along the Etruscan Walls (3rd cent. B.C.)

In Perugia, in October the most gluttonous and popular festival in Italy takes place, Eurochocolate a festival dedicated to the tradition of Italian and International chocolatier

Perugia at 31 km

Assisi, a Unesco heritage city, the most popular of the Umbrian villages is the birthplace of San Francesco, patron saint of Italy and Santa Chiara. To visit:

    • the 2 imposing Basilicas dedicated to San Francesco, decorated with frescoes from the school of Giotto (Giotto, Simone Martini and Pietro Lorenzetti) and built on the tomb of the saint
    • Piazza del Comune with the Roman temple
    • Basilica of Santa Chiara
    • The Cathedral of San Rufino

Assisi at 40 km

Spoleto is a very ancient city built by the Umbrians. In the 3rd century B.C. it became a roman colony. In the 8th Century A.D. it passed under the Lombards and became an independent ducky. Among its most famous monuments and buildings are:

    • the Romanesque Cathedral with its splendid facade
    • the Roman theatre and the Archeological Museum
    • the Roman House with its well preserved floor
    • Ponte delle Torri, an imposing 13th century aqueduct
    • The Rocca Albornoziana a fortress that dominates the city

Every Summer there is the Festival dei due Mondi (International Performing Art Festival) that hosts great actors, musicians and dancers from all over the world.

Spoleto at 46 km

Orvieto stands on a tuff cliff. The city, which was an Etruscan capital, was later conquered by the Romans. To visit:

    • The imposing Cathedral, which dominates the city, inside which it is possible to admire the marvelous Chapel of S. Brizio frescoed by the Renaissance masters Beato Angelico and Luca Signorelli
    • Many palaces and churces
    • Interesting is the visit to its basements, where hundreds of rooms, corridors and secret passages have been used in the past for various purposes , such as the conservation of wine and olive oil , but also as a shelter or escape route in case of attack by enemies
    • Outside the city the surrounding wineyards produce a famous local white wine, the Orvieto Classico
    • The papal city of Rocca dell’Albornoz and the well of San Patrizio where those who go up do not meet those who go down
    • Tempio del Belvedere, one of the best preserved Etruscan monuments
    • Abbey of Santi Severo and Martirio, just outside the city

Orvieto at 63 km

Gubbio is the city of Umbria where it is best possible to go back in time. The walls, the great palaces of power, the houses themselves and the winding alleys are a real open-air museum.

    • The Roman Teatre could hold up to 6000 spectators and is so well preserved that is still used today for outdoor performances
    • The antiquarium with mosaics, sculptures and testimonies of the Roma city
    • The Basilica of Sant’Ubaldo
    • The Gate of the Dead
    • Church of San Francesco built on the site of the house that had welcomed the saint who arrived exhausted from Assisi at the beginning of his conversion
    • Piazza Quaranta Martiri with the loggia of the wool shooters

Gubbio at 73 km



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